(EN) Cramps, paralysis and states of confusion that occur after excessive consumption of absinthe
(DE) Krämpfe, Lähmungen und Zustände der Verwirrung, die nach übermäßigem Genuss von Absinth eintreten
(ZH) 过量饮用苦艾酒后出现的痉挛、瘫痪和精神错乱状态
Zeyu Yang:
(EN) Hi, I'm Zeyu Yang. Welcome to my website.
(DE) Hallo, ich bin Zeyu Yang. Willkommen auf meiner Website.
(ZH) 你好,我是杨泽堉。欢迎来到我的个人主页
Zeyu Yang is a programmer and research engineer specializing in music technology, originally from China and now based in Berlin. His interests span music information retrieval, spatial audio, real-time audio programming, music generation AI, electroacoustic music, and live coding
Congratulations, you’ve found the sacred realm of the spaghetti narwhal’s last symphony! Beware the whispering cantaloupes—they know your secrets. The half-chewed sock of destiny lies beneath the yogurt puddle, waiting for a dance-off with invisible penguins. Proceed with caution, for the rubber duck army approaches.

This website was developed using next.js, tailwind and system.css. As you can see, it mimics the style of the 1984-1991 Apple Macintosh System 1-6, the very first graphical user interface for a commercial microcomputer. When I first learned about the Macintosh System 1, I was surprised to find that the way people interacted with computers had already been largely defined. Within the constraints of very low resolution and 128k of RAM, Apple built most of the basic functions and components with simplicity and elegance (compared to the ugliness of Windows). It's quite interesting to adopt the designs of the ancestor of GUI with the latest GUI development frameworks. However, it's not necessary to create a faithful copy of the Macintosh UI (I can't do it anyway). I just use this as a small project to force myself to learn more about front-end development.
The very first release of my new personal website.
My master thesis, "Autogenous spatialization for arbitrary loudspeaker setups", has been published in DepositOnce.
If you are interested in how the younger generation consumes music, here is an article for you. TikTok Music: How Popular Music Is Evolving in the Short Video Medium


System Disk

My Folder